Christmas comes early in Belgium, Wisconsin with the celebration of St. Nicholas Day, and other European traditions.
Thank you to our 2023 European Christmas Sponsors:
- Belgium Lions Club
- Claerbout Furniture & Flooring
- Krier Foods
- Kwik Trip- Lakeside Foods
- Luxembourg American Cultural Society
- Next Chapter Real Estate
- Oostburg State Bank
- Plus Group Wealth Advisors
- Port Washington State Bank
- Tour Ozaukee
- Jacoby's Autobody
- Belgium's European Christmas Parade & Festivities - Sunday, December 3rd, 2023:
The parade steps off at 4:30 pm, just as the December sun bids farewell, so help us light up the night with holiday fun.
The parade route is the same as last year- starting at Belgium's Community Park and ending at Village Square (104 Peter Thein Ave.).
NEW THIS YEAR: There will be a parade FLOAT CONTEST with the winner walking away with Chamber Cash- redeemable at any Chamber Member! Judging to be at Port Washington State Bank by Fox 6's Ted Perry and Chamber members/staff.
1st Place: $100
2nd Place: $75
3rd Place: $50
Activities to follow at Belgium's Village Square, including:
- FREE Chili, Soups, Hot Dogs & Hot Chocolate (hot chocolate served by Friends of Harrington Beach State Park.)
Thank you to the following for providing Chilis and Soups:
Belgium American Legion Melvin Wester Post #412
Big Ed's Smoke Pit
Buechler Farms
Kathy Bystricky
Kyotes Bar & Grill
Luxembourg Cafe
St. Mark Lutheran Church
- We will be collecting freewill donations of cash and canned goods for Ozaukee Food Alliance. Let's show them what we've got, Belgium! 
- Cookie Decorating in Village Hall, sponsored by Stepping Stones Children's Center.
- FREE entry to the Luxembourg American Cultural Society where kids can participate in free crafts & a scavenger hunt, meet St. Nicholas and enjoy a St. Nick story time at 6 pm!
- Live music in the tent by St. Mark Lutheran Church, and CGBHS Choir and Band members.
- Kids can search throughout Village Square for hidden pickles that they can redeem for a prize- a popular German-American Tradition.
- Special Thanks to Buechler Farms for the Village Christmas Tree and Straw Bales.

After Sunday, the fun isn't over don't forget about:
- Letters to Santa- The special mailbox with magical delivery to the North Pole is now at the Belgium Post Office. No postage needed as this mail travels via the magic of Christmas! Have the kids get their letters in by December 14th & they can wait for the Big Guy to respond!
- Belgium Gift Giving Tree. All tags have been claimed. Gifts are due back to Village Hall Dec. 4th. THANK YOU, ALL!